3 Ιαν 2009

Macedonia's correct name

Ακόμη και στην ιστοσελίδα για τον ΑγιοΒασίλη-ΑγιοΝικόλα (SantaClaus) της Wikipedia η FYROM αναφερόταν ως Macedonia.

Μάζεψα από δεξιά κι αριστερά το παρακάτω κείμενο και το έστειλα.

Το βάζω εδώ, για να είναι εύκαιρο για αντιγραφή - επικόλληση

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that a country you refer to as "Macedonia" in "_____________" page, is the "Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" recognized with this name by the official resolutions of United Nations,


and the European Commission


Macedonia is the Greek province and domain of ancient Macedon situated at north Greece, and your current presentation of the "Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" under the same name leads to confusion and misconceptions.

A suggestion for the name used would be "F.Y.R.O.M." or "F.Y.R.O.Macedonia" but not just "Macedonia".

I hope you will correct the page, in favor of accuracy and clarity.

Details on the naming dispute can be found here:



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